
xov xwm

Zoo li txhua yam thev naus laus zis thev naus laus zis, e-luam yeeb tau hloov kho cov organic kom tau raws li qhov xav tau.Hauv qhov no, nws yog hais txog kev tsim lwm txoj hauv kev xa nicotine rau cov neeg laus haus luam yeeb thaum tshem cov tar thiab carcinogens uas tuaj nrog cov luam yeeb thiab nqus pa.

Tsis ntev los no, tseem hwv Malaysia tshaj tawm "E-luam yeeb Product Description (Certification and Marking) Order 2022", xav kom cov tuam txhab lag luam hauv zos thiab cov neeg xa khoom siv pov tseg vape cwj mem & vaping khoom siv rau SIRIM ntawv pov thawj thiab kos npe.

Lub Tsev Haujlwm Saib Xyuas Kev Lag Luam Hauv Tsev thiab Cov Neeg Siv Khoom ntawm Malaysia ("KPDNHEP") tau hais tias qhov kev txiav txim yuav pib siv rau lub Yim Hli 3, 2022, thiab lub hom phiaj los ua kom muaj kev nyab xeeb ntawm kev siv cov khoom vaping.Vape manufacturers thiab importers tuaj yeem thov daim ntawv pov thawj thiab kos npe los ntawm SIRIM QAS International.

Lub Tsev Haujlwm Saib Xyuas Kev Lag Luam Hauv Tsev thiab Cov Neeg Siv Khoom ntawm Malaysia ("KPDNHEP") tau hais tias qhov kev txiav txim yuav pib siv rau lub Yim Hli 3, 2022, thiab lub hom phiaj los ua kom muaj kev nyab xeeb ntawm kev siv cov khoom vaping.Vape manufacturers thiab importers tuaj yeem thov daim ntawv pov thawj thiab kos npe los ntawm SIRIM QAS International.

Lub Department of Trade thiab Consumer Affairs tau hais tias: “Lub SIRIM daim ntawv pov thawj yuav tsum tau muab tso rau ntawm lub vaping ntaus ntawv, nws spare qhov chaw los yog lwm yam ntaus ntawv thawv kom tus neeg siv tau yooj yim pom nws.SIRIM daim ntawv pov thawj qhia tias lub cuab yeej ua tau raws li cov qauv kev nyab xeeb thiab tuaj yeem siv tau ib txwm. "Tsoom Fwv Teb Chaws Register hais tias "Cov khoom siv hluav taws xob atomizing" thiab "cov khoom seem", tab sis tsis hais txog cov foob pob vaping.

Post lub sij hawm: Apr-11-2022